James Lee
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James Lee is a Trinity University student double majoring in Communications/Media Studies and Computer Science with a minor in New Media Art. He excels in visual storytelling as an illustrator, while simultaneously serving as a dedicated Studio Assistant at Say Sí, a nonprofit afterschool arts program for underprivileged youth in San Antonio. At the school, he imparts artistic coding and new media knowledge to young aspiring artists and programmers. With a strong coding basis in Java, Lua, and HTML/CSS, James is a problem-solving enthusiast, blending innovation with design acumen. His commitment to academic excellence and passion for creativity, education, and technological innovation inspire both peers and mentors.
Say Sí
Senior Project (생명색)
This art installation was created to express the concept of the color orange. I contected a thourough study into synesthesia and how people can view colors contucting interviews and reading through scholarly articles. The intention of this piece was to simulate the taste, smell, touch, and hearing of the viewer as they entered into a blank, all white room. Audience members would experience "orange" without actually ever seeing the color. Before entering the room, audience members would take a small piece of handmade candy to stimulate taste. Then, upon entering the space, viewers were welcomed with a custom essential oils blend being diffused throughout the space from a pillar in the center of the room. Participates could feel this same pillar upon which was upholstered fabric emulating the "feel" of orange. Music was played in the room to continue creating the desired atmosphere of what "orange" is. Behind the pillar, centered on the wall was a triptych that included assorted numbers and lettters that represented the findings of my study into synrdthesia highlting speicific numbers and letters that are orange. Behind the pillar was a faux rose window made with two layers of laser cut chipboard with a translucent orange acrylic sheet behind. Viewers could look into the room through a double mirror coating applied to the back of the acrylic so inside viewers were unable to look out or see the color orange and instead a mirror reflected the room back. A subtheme of this piece was the idea of creating a holy space for the color orange centered around specific catholic traditions.
Kaiju vs Lucahdor over SA
Kaiju vs Luchador over San Antonio was an installation piece made over quarantine. The artwork is a collage and re-imagining of local murals from around the San Antonio laser cut and spraypainted onto chipboard. The work is meant to somwhat reseable a larger than life version of papel picado.
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dolphist was produced in one month for Say Si's 2019 game jam. Winning 3rd place Dolphisit is a 2d, multi-player party battler focusing on epic oceanic marine life combat to find out who is the king of the sea. Including an original soundtrack and focus on fast-paced platformer fighting mechnics.
This untiled piece was performed as part of a live VJ (video jockey) performance the game was made as a simulative ecosystem experience with multiple creatures each having different response and actions within the ecosystem. Original music. semi-AI.
Planty vs The World
Planty vs The World is a single player rouge lite game made in 2 weeks for Say Si's 2021 gamejam. It won first place and best story. Programed fully in LUA and made in the Pico-8 engine.
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Trinity Football
for fun photoshop work Logo for AAPI Lunar New Year logo commission logo commission logo commission image made for a good friend fun test/variation of my papel picado profile picture